
Version 1 (modified by waue, 15 years ago) (diff)


# This file controls what file are to be put on classpath or command line.


# Format is as follows:

# Each line contains entry for one JAR file.

# Format of line:




# where SUBJECT: 

#   ends with ".class" is the Main class to run.

#   ends with ".xml" is a configuration file for the command line

#   ends with "/" is a directory from which add all jar and zip files from. 

#   ends with "/*" is a directory from which add all unconsidered jar and zip files from.

#   Containing = are used to assign system properties.

#   all other subjects are treated as files to be added to the classpath.


# Subjects may include system properties with $(propertyname) syntax. 


# Files starting with "/" are considered absolute, all others are relative to

# the home directory.


# CONDITION is one of:

#   always

#   never

#   available classname        # true if class on classpath

#   property name              # true of set

#   java OPERATOR version      # java version compared to literal

#   nargs OPERATOR number      # number of command line args compared to literal

#   OPERATOR := one of "<",">","<=",">=","==","!="


# CONTITIONS can be combined with AND OR or !, with AND being the assume

# operator for a list of CONDITIONS.

# Classpath operations are evaluated on the fly, so once a class or jar is

# added to the classpath, subsequent available conditions will see that class.


$(jetty.class.path)                              always

org.mortbay.log.LogFactory.noDiscovery=true       ! property org.mortbay.log.LogFactory.noDiscovery java > 1.4

# Try different settings of jetty.home until the jetty.jar is found.

jetty.home=.                                     ! exists $(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar 

jetty.home=..                                    ! exists $(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar

jetty.home=/home/jetty                           ! exists $(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar

jetty.home=/C:/jetty                             ! exists $(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar

jetty.home=.                                     ! exists $(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar 

# The main class to run


# override class with old property name


# override class with preferred property name


# The default configuration files

$(jetty.home)/etc/admin.xml                      nargs == 0

$(jetty.home)/etc/jetty.xml                      nargs == 0

# Set the jetty classpath

$(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar          java >= 1.4

$(jetty.home)/lib/javax.servlet.jar              always

# Add JMX jars

$(jetty.home)/lib/org.mortbay.jmx.jar            java >= 1.4

# Always use xercesImpl from ext if it is present

$(jetty.home)/ext/xercesImpl.jar                 ! available org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl

# Add the XML support jars if needed.

$(jetty.home)/ext/xmlParserAPIs-2.5.jar          ! available org.w3c.dom.DOMError

$(jetty.home)/ext/xml-apis.jar                   ! available org.w3c.dom.Document

# Set the classpath for the supporting cast

$(jetty.home)/ext/ant.jar                        ! available

$(jetty.home)/ext/jasper-runtime.jar             ! available org.apache.jasper.Constants

$(jetty.home)/ext/jasper-compiler.jar            ! available org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext

$(jetty.home)/ext/jnet.jar                       ! available

$(jetty.home)/ext/jsse.jar                       ! available

$(jetty.home)/ext/jcert.jar                      ! available

# Add anything in ext we have not yet considered.


# Try some standard locations for anything missing.

/usr/share/java/ant.jar                          ! available

$(java.home)/lib/tools.jar                       ! available

$(java.home)/../lib/tools.jar                    ! available

# Add a resources directory if it is there
