#!/bin/bash source install_lang ####### garbage here ############# function mainFunction ( ) { echo "$Good" } function braBraBra ( ) { echo "$Bra_Bra_Bra" } ####### garbage end ############### ####### fafa code here ########### User_HOME=/home/nutchuser/nutchez NutchEZ_HOME=/opt/nutchez Nutch_HOME=$NutchEZ_HOME/nutch Tomcat_HOME=$NutchEZ_HOME/tomcat Index_DB=$User_HOME/search MasterIP_Address=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | sed 's/^.*addr://g' | sed 's/Bcast.*$//g' | sed 's/ .*// '` # DNS暫時以IP取代 MasterDNS=$MasterIP_Address function set_install_information () { set_nutchuser_passwd read -p "Please enter Administrator's e-mail address: " Admin_email select_eth MasterIP_Address=$net_address # read -p "Please enter the Master DNS: " MasterDNS } function set_nutchuser_passwd () { read -p "Please enter nutchuser's password : " nutchuser_passwd read -p "Please enter nutchuser's password again: " nutchuser_passwd_confirm if [ $nutchuser_passwd != $nutchuser_passwd_confirm ]; then set_nutchuser_passwd fi } function select_eth () { net_interfaces=$(ifconfig | grep ^eth | cut -d " " -f1) net_nu=$(echo $net_interfaces | wc -w) # 若只有一個 eth 時 if [ "$net_nu" == "1" ]; then ifconfig $net_interfaces | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1 net_address=$(ifconfig $net_interfaces | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1) # echo "net_address is $net_address" # 若有多個 eth 時 else declare -i i=1 echo -e "\nSystem have multiple network device, which network use for this machine: " for net in $net_interfaces do echo "($i) $net $(ifconfig $net | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1)" i=i+1 done read -p "Plz choice(1/2/3...): " net_choice if [ -z $net_choice ]; then net_choice=1 fi echo "Your choice is $net_choice" net_interface=$(echo $net_interfaces | cut -d " " -f $net_choice) ifconfig $net_interface | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1 net_address=$(ifconfig $net_interface | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1) echo "net_address is $net_address" fi } function show_info () { echo "Administrator's e-mail address is $Admin_email." echo "The Master IP Address is: $MasterDNS" } function confirm_install_information () { read -p "Please confirm your install infomation: 1.Yes 2.No " confirm } function make_ssh_key () { su nutchuser -c 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P ""' su nutchuser -c "cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" } function set_haoop-site () { echo "set $Nutch_HOME/conf/hadoop-site.xml" cd $Nutch_HOME/conf/ cat > hadoop-site.xml << EOF fs.default.name hdfs://$MasterIP_Address:9000 mapred.job.tracker $MasterIP_Address:9001 hadoop.tmp.dir /var/nutchez/nutch-nutchuser EOF } # 修改nutch-site.xml中-http.agent.url, http.agent.email function set_nutch-site () { echo "set $Nutch_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml" Line_NO=`cat $Nutch_HOME'/conf/nutch-site.xml' | grep -n 'http.agent.url' | sed 's/:.*//g'` echo "debug...http.agent.url line number = $Line_NO..." sed -i ''$((Line_NO+1))'d' $Nutch_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml echo "debug...edit http.agent.url delete line $((Line_NO+1))..." sed -i ''$Line_NO'a '$MasterIP_Address'' $Nutch_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml echo "debug...edit http.agent.url done..." Line_NO=`cat $Nutch_HOME'/conf/nutch-site.xml' | grep -n 'http.agent.email' | sed 's/:.*//g'` echo "debug...http.agent.email line number = $Line_NO..." sed -i ''$((Line_NO+1))'d' $Nutch_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml echo "debug...edit http.agent.email delete line $((Line_NO+1))..." sed -i ''$Line_NO'a '$Admin_email'' $Nutch_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml echo "debug...edit http.agent.email done..." } function format_HDFS () { echo "format HDFS..." su nutchuser -c "$Nutch_HOME/bin/hadoop namenode -format" } function start_up_NutchEZ (){ echo "start up NutchEZ..." su nutchuser -c "$Nutch_HOME/bin/start-all.sh" } function Install_Nutch () { set_haoop-site set_nutch-site } function client_PassMasterIPAddr () { Line_NO=`cat client_install | grep -n '# Master IP here' | sed 's/:.*//g'` echo "debug...Master IP here line number = $Line_NO..." sed -i ''$((Line_NO+1))'d' client_install echo "debug...edit Master IP at line $((Line_NO+1))..." sed -i ''$Line_NO'a Master_IP_Address='$MasterIP_Address'' client_install echo "edit client_install done..." } function make_client_install () { # 將Master_IP_Address給client # 打包安裝目錄(不含tomcat) echo "function make_client_install..." client_PassMasterIPAddr su nutchuser -c "tar -cvzf /opt/nutchez/NutchezForClientOf_$Master_IP_Address.tar.gz /home/nutchuser/nutchez/" } function start_up_tomcat () { echo "start up tomcat..." sleep 10s echo "su nutchuser -c "$Tomcat_HOME/bin/startup.sh"" su nutchuser -c "$Tomcat_HOME/bin/startup.sh" } # client簡易步驟 function client_install_command () { echo "Client Install Command as Follows:" echo "cd ~" echo "mkdir NutchezClientInstall" echo "scp 安裝的shell檔所在路徑/PATH/ ~/NutchezClientInstall" echo "./client_install" }