#!/bin/bash # Program: # Functions for client_install.sh # Author: # Waue, Shunfa, Rock {waue, shunfa, rock}@nchc.org.tw # History: # 2010/05/20 Rock First release(0.1) # 正式版之後,記的將不必要的 echo 拿掉 # 檢查執行這個程式的是否為root權限 function check_root(){ # 正式版後可拿掉此 echo echo -e "\n= check_root (debug) =" if [ $USER != "root" ]; then echo -e "\nPlz Change root to execute it!!!" exit fi # 正式版後可拿掉此 echo echo -e "Identify is root." } # 查出此主機的作業系統,以及版本 function check_systemInfo(){ echo -e "\n= check_systemInfo (debug) =" echo -e "\nYour system information are:" lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null } # 檢查之前是否有安裝NutchEz # 目前先檢查是否有/opt/nutchez 這個資料夾即可 function check_nez_installed(){ echo -e "\n= chcheck_nez_installed (debug) =" test -d /opt/nutchez && echo -e "\nYour system already had NutchEz." || \ echo -e "\nYour system does not has NutchEz." } # 檢查是否有安裝sun java ,並檢查是否為jdk 1.6 以上版本 # 4種判斷可能性 (1)系統沒安裝 JAVA (2)系統有安裝JAVA,但非sun版本 # (3)系統有安裝但Sun Java 在非預設路徑下 (4)以正確安裝 Sun JAVA 預設路徑下 function check_sunJava(){ echo -e "\n= check_sunJava (debug) =" echo -e "\nNutchEz need Sun Java JDK 1.6.x or above version" javaPath="/usr/" test -e $javaPath/bin/java || read -p "Plz input specific Java path\ (ex./opt/jvm/java-6-sun- " javaPath if [ -e $javaPath/bin/java ]; then JAVA_org=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "Java(TM)") JAVA_version=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "java version" | \ awk '{print $3}' | cut -d "." -f1-2 | cut -d "\"" -f2) if [ "$JAVA_org" == "" ]; then echo "Java is not Sun version, plz install sun Java 1.6.X" exit fi large16=$(echo "$JAVA_version >= 1.6" | bc) if [ "${large16}" == 0 ]; then echo "Java version is too old (it need 1.6.X above)" exit fi echo "System has Sun Java 1.6 above version." else echo "Plz install Sun JAVA 1.6.X or above version" exit fi unset JAVA_org unset JAVA_version } # 檢查是否有安裝openssh, openssh-server function check_ssh(){ echo -e "\n= check_ssh (debug) =" if [ -e /usr/bin/ssh ]; then echo -e "\nSystem has ssh." else echo "Plz install ssh." exit fi if [ -e /usr/sbin/sshd ]; then echo "System has ssh Server (sshd)." else echo "Plz install ssh Server (sshd)." exit fi } # 檢查是否有安裝dialog function check_dialog(){ echo -e "\n= check_dialog (debug) =" if [ -e /usr/bin/dialog ]; then echo -e "\nSystem has dialog." else echo "Plz install dialog." exit fi } # 檢查是否安裝 php 5.5 function check_php(){ echo -e "\n= check_php (debug) =" if [ "$(php -v 2>/dev/null | grep "PHP 5" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "." -f1)" == 5 ]; then echo -e "\nPHP'version is 5" else echo -e "\nplz install PHP 5 version!" # exit fi } # scp nutchuser@master_ip:~ 把.ssh/目錄複製下來 # 當使用者輸入nutchuser 密碼時,將此密碼紀錄到Nutchuser_Passwd # 此步驟若無法連到 master 則跳出 function scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey(){ echo -e "\n= scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey (debug) =" echo -e "mkdir -p /home/nutchuser/" mkdir -p /home/nutchuser/ read -p "Plz input nutchuser passwd of mater node: " Nutchuser_Passwd echo -e "scp nutchuser@$1:~/.ssh /home/nutchuser/" expect -c "spawn scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nutchuser@$1:~/.ssh /home/nutchuser/ expect \"*: \" send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" expect eof" chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /home/nutchuser/.ssh } # 新增nutchuser 帳號時用 Nutchuser_Passwd 當密碼 function creat_nutchuser_account(){ echo -e "\n= creat_nutchuser_account (debug) =" read -p "Create nutchuser, plz input nutchuser's password: " Nutchuser_Passwd useradd -m nutchuser -s /bin/bash expect -c "spawn passwd nutchuser expect \"*: \" send \"$1\r\" expect \"*: \" send \"$1\r\" expect eof" } # 用scp 複製 master 的設定與安裝資料 # 目前僅需做到能無礙的複製遠端的/opt/nutchez/到local的/opt/ function scp_packages(){ echo -e "\n= scp_packages (debug) =" echo "scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nutchuser@$1:/opt/nutchez/ /opt/" scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nutchuser@$1:/opt/nutchez/ /opt/ echo "chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /opt/nutchez/" chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /opt/nutchez/ }